Welcome (Back) Summer Associate, Emily Husa!

Posted on June 5, 2023 by Lasher Holzapfel Sperry & Ebberson
Last week we welcomed Emily Husa back to Lasher. Emily was our Summer Associate last year as a result of LEAD WA’s fellowship program. Having completed her second year in law school, we are delighted to have Emily back before she returns to Seattle University School of Law for her final year. When asked what made her want to come back to Lasher for a second year as a summer associate, Emily replied: “I came back to Lasher to continue the valuable learning I experienced last summer. Now affirmed that I want to practice contract and other litigation matters, I returned to Lasher because my mentors here are helping me to gain practical litigation experience, and because the firm’s community continuously teaches me broader skills involved in the practice of law.”
We are delighted to have Emily back with us at Lasher, and look forward to expanding our Summer Associate program a little later this month with a new first year summer associate – more to come!