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What Does the Corporate Transparency Act Mean to Me and My Business?

***UPDATE: Per the U.S. Treasury Department announcement, FinCEN is now dead except for some limited foreign entity reporting. See post at FINCEN Filings Terminated for additional information.*** A few years ago, Congress passed the Corporate Transparency Act, 31 U.S.C. 5336 (“CTA”), which established certain required information filings with the U.S. Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Network

Top 5 Lessons Learned from 2023 Celebrity Divorces

Divorce is a difficult and emotional process that can be overwhelming for many of us. For celebrities, their divorces are often played out in the public eye, making it even more challenging. As a divorce attorney, I have considered some of the many high-profile divorces from 2023 and the lessons that can be learned from

Washington State Paid Sick Leave Updates for 2024

Paid sick and other leave benefits are changing in 2024. Construction workers, other than workers solely working in residential building construction, who do not reach the minimum 90 days of employment with a particular employer to be eligible to use paid sick leave will now be paid their accrued, but unused sick leave benefits following

Surviving the Holidays While Going Through a Divorce

The holiday season can exacerbate certain challenges for those going through a divorce. However, if you are mindful of these challenges, you can prepare for them so that you can still find time to get much needed rest. Here are some tips for surviving the holidays this year: Plan ahead for holiday spending If you

Estate Planning – Do I Need a Revocable Living Trust?

One of the most common questions we hear from our clients is “do I need a revocable living trust?”  While in some states a revocable living trust is a vital component of any estate plan due to those state’s probate laws, Washington has very friendly probate laws and a revocable living trust is generally not

Challenging Prenuptial Agreements in Washington State, at Trial and on Appeal

Most people are aware of the statistic that roughly 50% of marriages end in divorce; but did you know that only 5 – 10% of couples opt for a prenuptial agreement prior to marriage? So, what does a prenuptial agreement entail? Broadly, prenups are agreements between two individuals who plan to marry one another, the

Coming Soon to Washington State: The Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act

On January 1, 2024, the Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act (UFLAA) goes into effect in Washington State. The UFLAA is a new law that will allow many family law issues to be resolved in an out-of-court arbitration process instead of going to court. The law was passed to provide families with greater efficiency and flexibility

Top Divorce Myths in Washington State

As a divorce attorney, I’ve noticed that there are a few widely held false beliefs regarding divorce laws in Washington state. Here are the most common and potentially the most dangerous for those headed for a divorce: Washington is a 50/50 State This is false! Washington is a “community property” state but this does not