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City of Seattle Verification of Vaccination Order Now in Effect

Yesterday, October 25, 2021, the City of Seattle’s new local Verification of Vaccination Order went into effect, requiring and empowering local officials to require all patrons and customers (aged 12 years and older) to provide verification that they are fully vaccinated at the following events and establishments: Outdoor recreational and entertainment events with 500 or

Fighting for Fido – the Disposition of Pets in Divorce in Washington State

Sometimes divorce means saying goodbye to more than just your spouse. In the State of Washington, dogs, cats, and other household animals are considered personal property. Accordingly, when it comes to pets, as part of the division of assets in a divorce case the court must decide who gets to keep our furry friends, without

Lasher Holzapfel Sperry & Ebberson Announces Appointment of Lisa Ann Sharpe as Co-Chair of American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Business Valuation Resources (BVR) Committee

Lasher Holzapfel Sperry & Ebberson is pleased to announce that Family Law principal, Lisa Ann Sharpe, has agreed to serve as Co-Chair of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) BVR Committee for the coming year. The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers was founded in 1962, by highly regarded domestic relations attorneys “to provide leadership


What is an Estate Plan? An Estate Plan is a set of legal documents that memorialize how you want your assets distributed at your death.  A good Estate Plan will also include documents that provide for options to manage your assets and health during your life if you are unable to do so yourself.  Estate

Divorced With Children? How to Change Your Child’s Surname

When you get a divorce in Washington, you can ask the court to change your surname as part of the proceedings.  While you can change it to any name your heart desires, the common course of events involves restoring one’s maiden name.  Sometimes a parent may want to change the surname of their child as

Who Pays for Attorneys Fees in Litigation?

One of the first questions asked of me by clients when considering litigation is, “Can I make the other side pay for my attorney’s fees?”  In Washington State, the answer to that question is generally no.  This is referred to as the “American Rule.” Courts have reiterated their support for the American Rule because (1)