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The Importance of Post-Divorce Beneficiary Planning

When you’re in the throes of a separation or divorce, it is easy to forget the importance of updating your will and your estate plan.  With so much happening in the here and now, things like beneficiary designations and estate planning can feel very much like an “I’ll get to it someday” problem.  However, as

Estate Planning in the 21st Century

On January 1, 2022, the Washington Uniform Electronic Wills Act (“Act”) took effect and in so doing brought estate planning documents into the 21st century.  The Act modifies existing requirements in order to enable people to execute a valid Electronic Will.  The changes allow clients, witnesses, and attorneys to overcome challenges such as lack of

Buying a New Home? What To Know Before Making An Offer

Buying a home remains one of the largest financial commitments and personal goals in an individual’s life. However, in the current market buyers are moving quickly, making large cash offers above-asking value and waiving contingencies in a rush to snap up a new home. Unfortunately, a decision to waive the inspection contingency can cause a

UPDATED: Two Major Changes Address Living-With-COVID Concerns

TWO MAJOR CHANGES ADDRESS LIVING-WITH-COVID CONCERNS: A national vaccination mandate directed at employers with more than 100 employees became effective 1/10/2022.  Although the U.S. Supreme Court expedited oral arguments regarding judicial stays facing the mandate, the Court’s failure to do so to date means that covered employers should be prepared to comply.  Under the mandate,

UPDATED: Overview of Washington State Tax Law Changes Beginning January 1, 2022

UPDATE: On January 27, Governor Jay Inslee signed two bills passed by the Legislature making key changes to WA Cares Fund. These reforms address coverage gaps and delay program implementation by 18 months. Significant changes include: Employees near retirement (born before 1968) will now be able to qualify for partial benefits on a pro-rated basis.

Not Married, Not a Problem: Washington State’s “Committed Intimate Relationship” Doctrine Provides a Means for Some Unmarried Couples to Have Their Property Divided Just Like in a Regular Divorce

In a divorce, the judge will have to divide your marital property and debts between the spouses.  The division must be “just and equitable” under the circumstances of the relationship.  But can an unmarried couples receive a just and equitable division of property after breaking up?  Under the right circumstances, the answer in Washington is

Seven Things to Consider about Prenuptial Agreements

Prenuptial agreements (prenups) are no longer the sole domain of the rich and famous.  There are many reasons why more couples consider one as they enter into marriage.  Each prenup is tailored to the needs, desires, and circumstances of the parties involved.  What follows are some common factors to help you determine whether you would

Easements: Just for Now or Forever?

Easements are a right to enter and use land that may transfer with the ownership of the land. Easement issues usually arise when one property owner makes improvements on his or her property without first surveying the property to identify the boundary lines of the property. If the improvement goes over the property line into

5 Tips for Successful Dispute Resolution During Divorce

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”  ~Winston Churchill It’s easy to instinctively shy away from conflict and with good reason – given the choice, most people would rather resolve disputes in a healthy, productive way.  The question is when you