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Estate Planning 101: Making Exempt Gifts

I have yet to meet a client who wants to pay estate taxes. Tax avoidance is among the primary reasons people meet with estate planning attorneys and develop estate plans. In 2022, the federal gift, estate, and generation skipping transfer tax exemptions are $12,060,000 per person (which is indexed for inflation and will rise through

You Purchased Real Property Together, and Now You Want Out. Partition is an Option.

It is not uncommon for family members, friends, or business partners to jointly own commercial or residential real property. With property values skyrocketing and Covid-19 allowing so many of us to work remotely, we saw a steep rise in the numbers of partners (romantic and platonic) who made the choice to jointly purchase real property,

Is Vaccinating your Children for COVID-19 an Emergency Parenting Decision?

If you are divorcing with children, there are two primary issues that the court must decide as it relates to your kids. The first is a residential schedule which addresses when your children will physically be with you and when they will be with your spouse. The second is decision-making which deals specifically with how

Washington’s New Capital Gains Tax is Overturned as Unconstitutional

In 2021, Washington State Legislature passed ESSB 5096, which created a 7% tax on the sale or exchange of long-term capital assets (stocks, bonds, business interests, or other investments, and many tangible assets) if the profits exceed $250,000 annually (up to $500,000 for married couples filing jointly), with inflation adjustments beginning in 2024.  The Washington

The Price set on Ransomware – Avoiding the Cyber Sucker Punch

Most businesses today understand that the internet can be a dangerous place. As an organization grows beyond the very early stage of one or two employees and a few thousand dollars in sales, the cyber strategy of “security by obscurity” must give way to a balanced and nuanced approach to mitigating the risks posed by

Let’s Talk About Divorce: Six Places Your Spouse Might be Hiding Assets

Occasionally, a spouse preparing to go through divorce may attempt to hide assets in order to avoid disclosing and sharing those assets with their soon-to-be ex.  If you’re worried your spouse may be hiding assets, here are six places you should be sure to check: Bogus Debt Payoffs Did your mother-in-law gift you the down