Faye Washburn


Faye graduated from Seattle University School of Law, after having completed her B.A. at Wellesley College. In 2023, Faye spent the summer as a Summer Intern at Lasher, working with the Family Law Practice Group on financial complex dissolutions, post-dissolution matters, prenuptial agreements, and parenting plan litigation.


Seattle University School of Law, Seattle, WA

  • Juris Doctor, 2024 (Transferred Fall of 2022)
  • Completed 40-Hour Basic Mediation Training requirements promoted by the Washington Mediation Association, Resolution Washington and the RCW Chapter 7.75 Dispute Resolution Centers
  • Received the CALI Excellence for the Future Award in the Applied Domestic Violence Practicum
  • Member of the Student Bar Association Student Activities Committee

Willamette University College of Law, Salem, OR

  • Merit Scholarship Recipient
  • Willamette University Public Interest Law Project, Board member, 1L Liaison
  • Phi Alpha Delta Lusk Chapter 1L Liaison

Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts

  • B.A., Political Science, 2022
  • Four year-varsity rowing team member, national runner-up 2018

Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

  • International Law Minor Program, 2018

Professional & Civic

  • American Bar Association
  • Washington State Bar Association


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